Wednesday 12 February 2020

Oh, you might have heard...I have a blog now

The first camera shot taken in anger.

Welcome to the Little War Men blog! Hopefully it's content proves to be of some interest to someone out there but it's primary purpose will be as a motivational tool to provide me with some incentive to start working through the modest collection of unpainted miniatures that's starting to build up in my cupboard. Once (maybe that should be if) this epic task is completed I'll be moving on to the much greater and much more important work of tackling the lengthy wish-list of miniatures for games that have recently piqued my interest. Throughout this journey I'll hopefully develop some painting skills but I'm also using it as a chance to further improve my currently very amateur photography and image editing. We'll see how that works out.

To Edd, Michael, Tom, Sam, Jason and Idries -  why are you reading this first post rather than getting on with hobbying of your own? You should already know who I am. In any case, treat this as my blog's equivalent of an acknowledgements page. I'm sure many of your efforts and exploits will inevitably be featured.

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